Friday, February 14, 2014

Familiarity within teams??

Its been a long long long...time since I blogged,partly because I never got myself to blog since the time I moved to Mumbai and there were so many things to blog about but my creative brain took a sabbatical for a while.

I have no title in mind or no topic to write about but the last 2 years that I have spent here in Mumbai during my MBA have changed me both personally and professionally.It has been a great learning experience and my ability to put across a viewpoint in public space has taken a great and mature leap.

Now you must be wondering why have I taken to blogging suddenly out of the blue.Well, a few friends of mine insisted that I should get back to writing(Dont know why they liked my posts,ask them,they are a unique breed of people).
Having said that I would like to share something very interesting I read about familiarity in team building.

We are all well aware of the age old verse that" Familiarity breeds contempt" but what I read yesterday was quite surprising.The article says that if a team were to achieve significant results they must be extremely familiar with each.A paradoxical view is that teams need to be changed from time to time and diverse to bring out innovation.

Weighing these two options would become the order of the day for future managers in any Industry.

But if you look at an everyday corporate context more and more organizations are talking about cross functional movements and matrix structures.Probably because they would want to bring out something new in terms of business model re engineering or innovation.

Whatever be the case it is an interesting topic to discuss on.

PS:I know I am trying to show off my MBA gyaan but felt I should warm up my writing skills by writing something I know.Comments are most welcome.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I wonder who asked you to start writing again :P
